Daily Bulletin

Mountain View High School Bulletin for Friday, October 04, 2024


Front Doors - Brittany Deckert
Academic Hallway - Kirsten Bird
Gym Exit & Vocational Hallway - Kolby Christopher
Lunch Time Detention - Chelsea Brunski

Good Morning!

Purple Day

Lunch: Homemade Pizza / Wings

***** Please stand for the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE!!

* Due to some recent vandalism, if you are seen with a pocket knife it will be immediately confiscated.

* * A reward is being offered for the name or names of the people responsible for the vandalism in the boys' bathroom.

* Your Student council will be sponsoring their annual Blood Drive on Monday October 28th. Please see the announcement box in the class hallways to get the number, website and code if you want to schedule an appointment. You can also contact Nurse Dallas. You may donate if you are 17 years or older. All 17 year olds will need a permission slip signed by a parent. Permission slips are located in the office.

* Yearbooks are on sale for $38. Personalization is $6 and when purchased you will receive 4 free icons on the cover of your yearbook. Sale ends October 25th. You can order online or through Mrs Tait in the library. High school sibling pictures are due to Mrs Tait by October 17th. Seniors, your baby pictures are due November 14th.

* Happy Birthday to:Deagan Boglino

Have a great day!

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